Reading and Comprehension for Beginners – Book 4

රු 270.00

Workbook for beginners

Only 2 left in stock

Reading is a multifaceted process so it can be developed only with practice. There are certain aspects of reading, such as fluency and word recognition, which can be learned in a few years. These basics must be mastered but at the same time reading comprehension should be emphasized in the process. Students can parrot words on a page all day long but if they don’t have the necessary comprehension skills they will not be able to make predictions about what will happen next, monitor their understanding of content, sequence or characters, clarify confusing parts of the text, or connect what they’re reading to their own experience or prior knowledge. And that is what true comprehension is all about. The lack of strong reading comprehension skills obviously affects a student’s success in his academic life as well as the day today life. Both academic and non academic progress partly depends on understanding, analyzing, and applying the information gathered through reading.

The fourth book of the series of Reading and Comprehension for Beginners is designed for the intermediate learners as well as for any other learner who is in need to reach the reading and comprehension skill level expected to be mastered in the Book 4.

SKU: EDU 107

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